The proper operation of your brakes is crucial in order to avoid serious and expensive problems down the road. Brakes are the most important safety feature on your car and should be regularly tested and serviced. We offer a full brake service, which includes checking the condition of brake discs, brake pads, brake drums, and brake shoes, carrying out a brake test on our roller machine, checking the brake fluid level and for contamination, and testing the operability of ABS systems using our specialist diagnostic equipment. We supply and fit only the best-graded brakes and components for your vehicle, using manufacturers recommended parts.

Free brake check

We offer a free visual brake check for your vehicle which includes the measurement wear of your brake pads, brake shoes, brake discs, and brake drums against the manufacturer’s specification. We will give you the best advice based on the results of the inspection.

Call us 0208 446 6319 to book your vehicle in for repairs or find out when you can come down and have your free brake check! Alternatively, click here to make an enquiry online.